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Oriental Research Series No.45

Studies in the History of River Conservation in the Ming

TANI Mitsutaka

620 pages

ISBN: 9784876985029

pub. date: 03/91

Written Language: Japanese

  • Price : JPY 24,272 (with tax: JPY 26,699)
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Part 1. The Yellow River/Grand canal Confluence and Ming River Conservation

Chapter 1.The Flooding of the Yellow River in the Xuzhou Area during the Ming
1. Floods before the Hongzhi (1488-1505 ) Period
2. Floods during the Zhengde (1506 –1521 ) and Jiajing (1522-1566 )Periods
3. Floods during the Longqing (1567-1572 ) and Wanli (1573-1615 )Periods

Chapter 2. The Xuzhou and Luliang Rapids
1. The Concept of the Xuzhou and Luling Rapids
2. Repair Work during the first Half of the Ming
3. Repair Work during the Second Half of the Ming

Chapter 3. River Conservation at Xuzhou and Huai’an during The Transition from Jiajing (1522-1566 ) to Wanli (1573-1615 ) Periods
1. The Reason for Yellow River Bursting its Banks and the Techniques for its Regulation
2. Flood Control by Zeng Jun and Lian Kuang
3. Flood Control by Pan jixun Zhu Heng and Wan Gong
4. Flood Control by Guifang

Chapter 4. The Issue of River Regulation near Chaching
1. The Transport of Tribute Grain and Waterways of the Yellow River during the Ming
2. The Grand Canal/Yellow River Confluence and the Position of Chacheng
3. The New River from Majiaqiao to Zifangshan and the Lianging Look Zhenkouzha River
4. Tashan Tributary Stream Yangshan New River and Zhenkouzha River
5. The Schedule for Passing the Xuzhou and Lulinang Rapids and Entering the Zhahe Canal

Part 2. Ming Extensions to the Grand Canal

Chapter1. The Digging of the Xiazhen and Lijiakou Rivers 
1. The Channel of the Old Canal
2. The Incomplete New Ditch Dug by Sheng Yingqi
3. The Diggig of the Xiazhen River by Zhu Heng
4. Three Stages of Appurtenant Work
5. The Diggig of the Lijiakou River by Pan Jixun

Chapter 2. The Digging of the Jia River
1. Proposals to the Court by Weng Dali
2. Proposals to the Court by Fu Xizhi
3. River Conservation Works Conducted by Shu Yinglong
4. River Conservation Works Conducted by Liu Dongxing
5. River Conservation Works Conducted by Li Hualong and Cao Shipin
6. River Conservation Works after Cao Shipin
7. The Merits and Demerits of Digging the Jia River

Chapter3. The Digging of the Tongji New River and the Shunji River
1. The lower Reaches of the river and the Scheme of Li Hualong and He Shijin
2. The Diggig of the Tongji River
3. The Diggig of the Shunji river

Part 3. The Yellow/Huai River Confluence and Ming River Conservation

Chapter 1. The Digging of the Qingjiangpu Waterway (on the Dockyards and Customs house
1. The Digging of the Qingjiangpu Waterway
2. The Establishment of the Dockyards and Customs House

Chapter2. The Yellow/Huai River Confluence and Pan Jixun’s Methods of Flood Control
1. The Appearance of Pan Jixun
2. The Basic Problem of Controlling the Yellow and Huai Rivers
3. The Repairs to the Gaojia Dyke  
4. The Repairs to Northern Dyke
5. Distant Dykes (yaoti ) built Sides of the Yellow River
6. Detention Rock Dams (jianshui shiba) Constructed on the North Bank of the Yellow River
7. The shifting Reconstruction and Repairing of the Five Looks(zha)and Five Dams
8. The Mid-Channel Dams (lanheba) of Huangpu and Baqian and the Dykes of Lake Baoying

Chapter3. The Yellow/Huai River Confluence and Tang Yikui’s Methods of Flood Control
1. The appearance of Yang Yikui
2. Waterways Diving the Flow of the Yellow River
3. Waterways Directing the Flow of the Huai River (upper Reaches)
4. Waterways Directing the Flow of the Huai River(lower Reaches)
5. Waterways Directing the Flow of the Huai River(southern reaches)

Chapter4. An Annotated Translation of the Biography of Yang Yikui the Minister of the Board of Works
1.Yeyuan renjian ( ) Juan 15
2. A descripition of Farewelling Yang Houahan the Ducao Shaosinong on His Returning to Anyi Countory for a Whill
3. A Narrative in Celebration og Dasikong Houshan Yang Gong receiving the Honorary Rank of Taizi Shaoba
4. A Narrative Farewelling Dasikong Yang Gong on His Returning to the Capital to Administer the Affairs of The board Works
5. The Introduction to the Zonghe Shuyi( Collectes Memorials of Gongbao yang Gong on Controlling Rivers )


The Circumstances Surrounding the regulation of the Rivers by Jin Fu
Written by Hou Renzhi
Translated by Tani Mitsutaka

English Table of Contents