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Politics of Ethnic Classification in Vietnam
ISBN: 9784876984732
発行年月: 2013/02
"Pacific Affairs", Volume87, No.4 (December, 2014)、評者:Charles Keyes氏
"Journal of Vietnamese Studies", Vol.9, Issue 1(January, 2014)、評者:Thomas S. Mullaney氏
"The Journal of Asian Studies", Volume74, Number 4 (November, 2015)、評者:Yukti Mukdawijitra氏
"The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology", Vol.16, No. 3、pp.299-311、評者:Oliver Tappe氏
"Journal of Vietnamese Studies", Vol.9, Issue 1(January, 2014)、評者:Thomas S. Mullaney氏
"The Journal of Asian Studies", Volume74, Number 4 (November, 2015)、評者:Yukti Mukdawijitra氏
"The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology", Vol.16, No. 3、pp.299-311、評者:Oliver Tappe氏