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A History of Modern Chemistry

Noboru Hirota

B5変 上製・808頁

ISBN: 9784876988976

発行年月: 2016/02

記述言語: 英語

  • 本体: 7,200円(税込 7,920円
  • 在庫あり
  • mixiチェック


Part 1: Toward the Formation of Modern Chemistry
1: The road to modern chemistry
Chemistry up to the 18th century: The dawn of atomic and molecular science
2: The development of modern chemistry
Chemistry in the 19th century: The establishment of the concepts of atoms and
molecules and the specialization of the discipline into subfields
Part 2: The Birth and Development of Modern Chemistry
3: The revolution in physics from the end of the 19th century to the early 20th century
X-rays, radioactivity, discovery of the electron, and quantum chemistry
4: Chemistry in the first half of the 20th century
The maturation and expansion of the science of atoms and molecules
Part 3: Contemporary Chemistry
5: Chemistry in the second half of the 20th century (I)
Advances in the observation, analysis, and fabrication of molecules
6: Chemistry in the second half of the 20th century (II)
An understanding of the phenomena of life based on molecules
7: Chemistry from the 20th century into the future