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Frontiers of Area Studies

Enduring States

: In the Face of Challenges from Within and Without

Yusuke Murakami, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Hiromi Komori eds.


ISBN: 9784876989782

発行年月: 2011/03

  • 本体: 4,600円(税込 5,060円
  • 在庫あり
  • mixiチェック


グローバリズムと市民社会の成熟の中で、国家は一見相対化されているようにも見える。しかし、人々の意識という観点からすると、民族・宗教を巡る 対立や経済移民・資源競争を巡る不満を背景に、国家主義、排外主義が世界のどの地域でも燻っている。旧ソ連地域やラテンアメリカといった知られざ る国家主義の動向を赤裸々に報告する。


Yusuke Murakami, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, and Hiromi Komori

Part 1 Rethinking “Nationalism” in Changing States and Reorganized Regions

1. Enduring States and Challenges from Within and Without: The Case of the Middle East
Akira Usuki
2. Toward Postracial America: In Search of the Future Course of a “Republic of Ideas”
Masaki Kawashima
3. The State as Incubator of Nations: The Paradox of Belarus and Other Former Soviet States
Michitaka Hattori
4. The State That Does Not Recognize Ethnic Groups: The French Case
Yuji Nakano
5. Arab Nationalism Twisted?: The Syrian Ba‘th Regime’s Strategies for Nation/State-building
Kota Suechika

Part 2 State-Ethnic Groups Relations: Negotiation or Conflict?

6. Expiration Date for Ethnic Politics Extended: The Restructuring of Federalism in Malaysia in the 1990s
Hiroyuki Yamamoto
7. It Is My Turn!: Ethnicity and the Nation-state Project in Kenya
Karuti Kanyinga
8. One Step Forward and Two Steps Back: The Indigenous Movement, Democracy and Politics in Ecuador
Fredy Rivera Vélez
9. Why Are There No Ethnic Movements in Peru?: A Comparative Study
Yusuke Murakami

Part 3 International Society, Networks, and Regionalism

10. East Timor: New Factors and Challenges in Creating Sovereignty
Motoko Shuto
11. The Role of “International Society” in State-Building: Lessons from Afghanistan
William Maley
12. From Enemy to Integral Part of the Nation: Vietnamese in the United States and Policy Changes by the Communist Party of Vietnam
Hiroko Furuya
13. Asianization and Rediscovering “Regionness”: from Interstate Relations to Regional Identity
Toru Oga
